Sunday, March 29, 2009

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Sicilians in the world

A tribute to the comedy of Franco and Ciccio, and a film ever produced for the time for the DVD market (peccato!) ... dedicated to all the Sicilians in the world. " Gut, gut! , almost touching the interest in our beloved homeland far away, her beloved Governor and the proposed bridge across the Strait ... really touching ...


"a completely unpredictable until yesterday and therefore worthy of reflection. On the part of some member associations and individual fellow, received in Sicily World phone calls, e-mail and text messages of pleasure and satisfaction with the decision of the CIPE to refinance and then begin the Messina Bridge. " It is a statement of the Sicilians in the world that we report in their entirety. "The challenge of the bridge has been around the world by touching the raw nerve of the Sicilian abroad that have fallen on a war footing for the" On the Bridge "with over 300 petitions, agendas of associations and letters, all published with name insert the number from July to August 2006 in Sicily World. - continued Note -. The letters gave strong support to the President Lombardo, a great promoter and supporter of the bridge outside his protest even with a procession through the streets of Rome from Piazza Venezia to Piazza Colonna with a retinue of 10,000 Sicilians. Perfectly normal, then the satisfaction of the Sicilian ok CIPE Messina Bridge. "Extraordinary and totally unexpected, however, the message of the Federation of North America in New York for that voice of Jack Spatola, president of FIAO (Federation of Italian-American Organizations) is strongly recommended to Sicily and the Sicilians world to be united in supporting the President of the Lombardy Region in its hard and firm position for the 4 billion and € 93 million, payable Sicily on the division of the overall ceiling of EUR 28 billion allocated by the European Union with funds from FAS and for investment in infrastructure in Sicily. - Says the statement - I 4 billion and € 93 million had been allocated prior to the CIPE by the Ministry for economic development in programming for regional unity in pursuing the objectives of the national strategic framework. The allotment to Sicily awaits only the formal acknowledgment by the CIPE. Now, as for other regions that occurred, for Sicily is still waiting for a new convocation of the CIPE. From this baseless and absurd reference, the strong reaction of Lombardo who requested the intervention of Berlusconi for fear that the sum allocated to Sicily and spending is diverted to other national needs. As sometimes happened is shameful. Even recently. "" Highly motivated, then, the reaction of Sicily, also felt in full in the States, with their message of solidarity and support to turn to the President Lombardo - said the note - This should interest but also to participate in events Sicilian by fellow countrymen abroad, that certainly goes beyond normal feeling of solidarity which is natural for those who live far from their land. Sicily to the World, "interest" and "desire to participate" are more than a news story a historical event that deserves to be deepened because it marks the path of a growing association that becomes more and more companies-report, subject unifying the islands of Sicily all over the world on the basic themes of culture and values \u200b\u200bin the island, mainly because it highlights an active subject associations, carrying unitary interests that want to get involved, participate, and to count his share of contribution to the development of Sicily. An event is not insignificant but certainly at a stage of historical and cultural assimilation also bleak flatness of Italian society. - The note concludes - Sicily World feels gratified by the message of Spatula for policies advocated tenaciously over many years, to consider the Sicilians who live outside Island, an integral and vital part of Sicily and absolutely essential, as an added value, to be involved in the development policies of the Island through programs and projects. "(18/03/2009-ITL/ITNET)

source taken from Italian Network