Monday, June 28, 2010

Topical Steroids And Breastfeeding

"Le cheval dans la prairie"

A tribute to the magic of the Camargue region ... with its unique wild white horses ...

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Honda Pilot License Front Plate Mount

"Snowing in Lorenzatico"

subject made during the 4th painting competition impromptu town of San Giovanni in Persiceto 2010 "The rediscovery of our territory."

Saturday, June 5, 2010

D2nt Bot Howto Install


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Do You Need To Shave For A Paps Test

Calciopoli ... and the ball is round!

'm not a big football fan, but I enjoy following the comments of the games, watching the banter between opinion leaders and former tissue-, ex-players, former coaches, former postmen. The game of football is not simply seen as entertainment, but it becomes a real political debate, and come on emotions not only in the field, but after the 90th minute. He says the ball, the offside, the linesman, coach, the fans, the referee and the player. Slow motion yes no replays. The barber, the bar, is any comment on the article published in the newspaper sports page. I feel like a fish out of water. I watch the game and nothing else. Imagine if it happened the same with porn? How many if not simply to see the film, but commented: quell'inquadratura was too fast! The curtains I made the light blue background! That actor is too weak! Just play on the wings! The assembly analog! The eye of the mother! ... Falloooo!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Wedding Table Chart Templates

Group exhibition of painting.

The 28-29-30 May 2010 for the Feast of Sant'Agata Bolognese, there was a group exhibition of paintings in the art group Persiceto "Ninety-Arts" in which they were exposed to two of my works, "Portrait" and "Venice." The next appointment will be for the "Fira Under the" 24-25-26-27 June 2010 at St. John Persiceto (Bo) at the Cloister of San Francesco in Piazza Carducci.