Monday, May 7, 2007

Wind Burn Marks On Baby

"Apocalyptic and Integrated", Maxx, Rome

24 artists born between '64 and '78 with works made between 1998 and 2007 make up the exhibition "Apocalyptic and Integrated", visible to Maxxi of Rome until July 1.
The title takes a text by Umberto Eco in 1964 and once again the state of post-industrial era, as determined by the collapse of all ideologies and utopias 60s.
scenario of artists is so dominated by the desolation and individualism as the natural choice at the end of the community. Not with resignation but with a constructive cynicism.
Everyone interprets this state of things, those who reject the new technologies of a global society, he who receives and usable. Each in its own way ...
From the top down works: PatrickTuttofuoco , Botto & Bruno , Andrea Salvino , Francesco De Grandi, Luisa Rabbia . More pictures of the exhibition on flickr .


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