Sunday, February 7, 2010

Would You Capitalize Chicken Pox?

Miss Mina Human Fat

Das Sopheap, 19, Cambodian, was elected Miss Mina 2009. His prize: a leg of titanium and a thousand dollar contribution to his studies in economics. The awards ceremony was held on December 4, but we learn only now because everything was held in secret. The cambodian government has in fact banned the contest, created at the initiative of the Norwegian NGO that is in its second year after the award last year in Angola (another country battered by the presence of landmines). The competition, organized by the NGO Miss Landmine with the slogan "Everyone has the right to be beautiful" chose the winner among 20 contestants selected from hundreds of girls who have been maimed by mines in the Asian country. All competitors received prizes for a few hundred dollars. Das comes from Battambang, Cambodia's one of the areas most devastated by the use of deadly weapons. He lost his left leg in 1996 when he was six.

[source comes from ]

Monday, February 1, 2010

Herbs To Reduce Swelling Wisdom Teeth

intake of foods rich in fats in the brain would enhance the formation of specific long-term memory for this task. This was discovered by an international team formed by researchers from UC Irvine, University Medical Center Groningen and Utrecht and University of Rome La Sapienza, whose study is published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ( Campolongo P et al., Fat-Induced Satiety factor oleoylethanolamide Enhances memory consolidation, PNAS 2009 ). So, less hunger, more 'memory would be the dual result dell'oleoiletalonamide (OEA), present in some foods and is available as a supplement. A support is Professor Daniele Piomelli, who worked for several years, Eric Kandel, Nobel laureate who discovered the molecular basis of memory and is now a researcher at the Lit, the Italian Institute of Technology in Genova. "This is a type of phospholipid molecule known - says - As a satiety factor. When administered to animals and humans under certain conditions, induces a feeling of satiety and improves memory brilliantly. "So how do I do that I increasingly hungry and I remember often??